Posted on 5/18/2021
This is 2021 - during a worldwide pandemic, unemployment is at a high, the government is encouraging the public to take unemployment and so many of them are getting the extra covid cash on top of the normal unemployment pay. This makes hiring good mechanics, knowledgeable mechanics so hard. We would love to give a lube tech the opportunity for employment but we are a specialty shop. We specialize in transmission repairs, transmission rebuilds, transmission diagnostics. We need mechanics that know a thing or two about transmissions, that have some knowledge, that are willing to listen to direction, instructions, and to be detail-oriented with removing and replacing these massive, so important, parts of the vehicle. We have had a few team members since the pandemic, through the pandemic, and now we are giving second chances. We believe in second chances as we know what it is like to forgive ... read more
Posted on 8/18/2019
Do you have kids heading to college or did they just start driving? Well, this article has some hacks for you!! Let us know your favorite  
Posted on 11/30/2018
Acorn Newsletter by Jim Cathcart Hear this message straight from Jim! The progression of facts is as follows: Data becomes information when it is organized. Information reveals knowledge when it is applied. Knowledge leads to understanding when it is studied, and Understanding reveals Wisdom when it is examined carefully. Whenever you are faced with confusion a good starting place is organization. Just start organizing all the data into groupings and categories. As you do this it will become useful information. Then you can apply that information to reveal the knowledge it holds for you. For example: If your finances are too challenging, then start organizing your records. Li ... read more
Posted on 10/13/2018
While a pillowcase fit to bursting with candy might be your kids’ idea of heaven, it’ll wreak havoc on their teeth and tummies. Especially candies that are mostly sugar and hard to chew! Have your kids make a list of their favorite candies, and keep a few of what they like best – maybe enough for one a day until Thanksgiving. If they like chocolate, they’re in luck, as it generally causes less tooth decay than hard sugar candies. Once the kids have selected their favorite candies, take the remainder and offer 5 cents per surrendered candy. It helps get the stash down considerably, but also helps teach your kids about saving up for things they actually want. Just be sure you don’t eat the whole stash that’s left over. Bring it to the office, p ... read more